Arturo Patané
Discende da una famiglia di antica tradizione artistica, è stato allievo dello zio Francesco, noto pittore siciliano, e ebbe come maestri anche De Stefanis e Placido della Scuola Napoletana. Ha esposto in 63 mostre personali e 12 collettive in Italia ed all’estero.
E’ autore di un murales di 60 mq nel comune di Diamante (Cs) e del Monumento ai Caduti Corazzati nella città di Avellino.
Ha dipinto 100 paesaggi ad acquarello di Marino (Roma) per la fiera del vino, opere esposte in permanenza all’Hotel Villa dei Papi.
Altre opere sono esposte stabilmente nella Pinacoteca Comunale di Patrasso (Grecia) e nel Museo Civico M.Morelli di San Marco Argentano (Calabria).
Ha realizzato l’immagine del premio letterario “Scugnizzo d’oro” e diverse illustrazioni e copertine per editori napoletani.
E’ inserito nei più accorsati cataloghi nazionali, nel Diz. Biografico dei Meridionali (vol. III) e nel volume di V. Gleijeses “La storia di Napoli” (pag. 892).
Di lui Carlo Barbieri scrisse:
“…Nei suoi lavori fonde varie tecniche nell’intento di dare freschezza all’immagine, novità al taglio e al colore“.
Ha prodotto cartelle di acqueforti e lito.
Critici: Barbieri, Bonazzi, Castronuovo, Cosenza, De Caro, Esposito, Grassi, Greco, Malandrino, Nicolardi, Riccardi, Scalese, Scialpi, Stancanelli.
Born in Portici in 1937 since young age Arturo showed an affinity for the arts.
His parents, Mariano and Carmela, were a Headmaster and a Math teacher. Discipline was very important in the household but this was not something that Arturo was very good at. Once he had to choose his academic studies he clashed with his father who was not keen on Arturo being an artist and really wanted a “proper” career for him.
During his formation years Arturo studied Architecture and worked on several exhibitions while also working in a “proper” job.
That didn’t last and Arturo quitted his job to open his own Art Gallery in San Giorgio a Cremano (near Napoli) where he permanently displayed his works. With his wife Alda they had two sons, Massimiliano and Maurizio, and carried on working producing hundreds of oil paintings, watercolours, stamps, lithographics engravings, antique paintings restorations, sculptures and finally “scultopittura” which was a mixed of sculpture and painting made on a firm surface using hot melted fibreglass.
Arturo started using this technique in the late 70’s and only found out years later that his deteriorating health was due to the fumes produced by the melted fibreglass which in the end gave him skin cancer and triggered myelofibrosis (a form of leukaemia).
In his career Arturo had 63 personal exhibitions In Italy and abroad. His artwork was displayed in Rome, Montecarlo, Amalfi, Palermo, Diamante, Cosenza, Viareggio, Milano, Marino, Paris, Castel dell’ Ovo (Napoli), San Giorgio a Cremano, Portici, various art galleries in Napoli and many more locations.
His artwork is also permanently displayed at the Museum of Patrasso (Greece) and Museum Morelli of San Marco Argentano.
Arturo has been included in famous national publications like the Biographic Dictionary of Southern Artists (Dizionario Bibliografico degli artisti Meridionali – Volume 3) and in one of the books of V. Gleijeses “La storia di Napoli” (page 892).
Arturo Patané: Pittore, scultore e incisore.